تفاصيل الوثيقة

نوع الوثيقة : مقال في مجلة دورية 
عنوان الوثيقة :
Evaluation of the fluorescence polarization immunoassay for quantitation of digoxin in serum
Evaluation of the fluorescence polarization immunoassay for quantitation of digoxin in serum
الموضوع : الطب الباطني 
لغة الوثيقة : الانجليزية 
المستخلص : Digoxin in serum was measured by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) and by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Intraday precision of the FPIA method determined by replicate analysis of three controls (low, medium, and high) gave coefficients of variation of 5.41, 2.67, and 2.37%, respectively. The interday coefficients of variation were 5.71, 4.55, and 1.93% for the low, medium, and high controls, respectively. The mean recovery for three spiked controls was 98%. Quantitative results obtained by FPIA on serum samples from patients receiving digoxin were compared with the results obtained by RIA. The correlation coefficient was 0.989. The stability of the standard curve in FPIA was evaluated by recalibrating the instrument at two intervals, 21 days apart, and superimposing the standard curve. No significant changes were found in polarization values 
ردمد : 1536-3694 
اسم الدورية : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 
المجلد : 6 
العدد : 4 
سنة النشر : 1404 هـ
1984 م
نوع المقالة : مقالة علمية 
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع : Monday, November 28, 2011 


اسم الباحث (عربي)اسم الباحث (انجليزي)نوع الباحثالمرتبة العلميةالبريد الالكتروني
عبدالله الفارسAl-Fares, Abdullah باحث رئيسيدكتوراه 
سراج ميرهMira, Siraj باحث مشاركدكتوراه 


اسم الملفالنوعالوصف
 31383.pdf pdf 

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